
Wat was vir Tina die hoogtepunt die middag toe hulle dorp toe mag gaan?
Kies die korrekte antwoord. Tina kon nie 'n boek uitneem nie omdat sy op die (dorp / plaas) woon.
Juffrou Dale verduidelik dat sy in die ____________ op die dorp woon.
Hoeveel rand het juffrou Dale daardie middag vir Tina geleen wat Tina moes terugbetaal?
Hoeveel sakgeld kry Tina 'n week?
Loisie en Lindiwe het eerder na die ______________ op die gegaan as die biblioteek.
Juffrou Dale ____________ Tina op haar kuns en Afrikaanse gedig.
Elke kind het in die EBW-klas 'n _____________ gekry om te vermeerder en moes na twee weke verslag doen op wat hulle gedoen het of die geld teruggee.
Vul die ontbekende woorde in. Op 'n middag kyk Tina na 'n kinderprogram oor geldsake. Die tiener was ____________ as Japie.
Hy lyk nie so _______________ so wat sy hom onthou nie.
Die ______________ is sagter.
Sy vel lyk _____________ .
Die oor is ____________ genoeg om sy gesig interessant te maak.
Hy praat, eienaardig, maar nie __________________ nie.
Sy boodskap is dat _________________ die sleutel tot finasiele sukses is.
Wat het Tina by Oumies leer maak?
Tina en haar vriendinne kon hulle geld saamsit en die koekies maak en daarna die ________________ deel.
Die koekies het hulle in ___________-hulle se kombuis gemaak.
Die meisies hoef nie vir Hanmarie se ma ______________ vir die yskas te betaal nie.
Wat noem Tina-hulle die koekies?
Die koekies het in die eerste __________ minute uitverkoop.
Die koekies was 'n groot _____________.
Waar wag Stefaans Marais daardie middag om Tina huis toe te vat? Voor die...
Waaroor was Simpiwe en Phakama onseker en dit het bygevoeg dat hulle nie na die dorpskool wou gaan en klaar maak met skool nie?
Wat besluit Tina om daardie naweek huis toe te vat.
Wat het Stafaans vir hulle gekoop toe hy by die kafee stop.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is a matching sheet?

A matching sheet, or a matching quiz, is a sheet with two columns. In the first column there will be a word, statement or question, and in the second column are the answers, jumbled around in a different order.

Students will then match the items in column A with the related answers in column B. Here is an example of a simple matching sheet where students would match up the name of the baby animal in column A with the adult name of the same animal in column B:

Who can play matching sheets?

Matching sheets are so customisable that teachers can create matching quizzes for any different age and education level. Your matching test template can be as simple as single word associations, or as complicated as difficult equations to solve.

With over 8,000 pre-made matching quiz templates available on WordMint, you can select and customise one of the existing templates or start fresh and create your own.

How do I create a matching worksheet template?

Simply log in to your WordMint account and use our template builders to create your own custom matching quiz templates. You can write your own titles, and then create your question and answers.

For easily adding multiple lines of questions and answers at once, you can use the ‘add multiple clues’ option where you can create all of your matching sheet lines at one time.

What is WordMint?

WordMint is your go to website for creating quick and easy templates for word searches, crosswords, matching sheets, bingo and countless other puzzles. With over 500,000 pre-made puzzles, you can select one of our existing templates, or create your own.

Do you have printable matching quiz templates?

Absolutely! All of our templates can be exported into Microsoft Word to easily print, or you can save your work as a PDF to print for the entire class. Your puzzles get saved into your account for easy access and printing in the future, so you don’t need to worry about saving them at work or at home!

Do you have matching sheet templates in other languages?

Yes! We have full support for matching quiz templates in Spanish, French and Japanese with diacritics including over 100,000 images. You can use other languages just for your titles and instructions, or create an entire matching worksheet in another language. Matching sheets can be a fantastic tool for students learning new languages!

Can I convert my matching quiz template into other puzzles?

With WordMint you can create a template and then use it to convert into a variety of other executions - word search, word scramble, crosswords or many more.

Are matching sheets good for kids?

The teachers that use WordMint love that they are able to create matching quiz templates that challenge their students cognitive abilities, and test their comprehension in a new and interesting way.

You can theme your matching sheet, and the ability to use different languages means that you can work language learning into your lessons as well. Because WordMint templates are totally custom, you can create a matching quiz for kids that suits their age and education level.